Home / All artists / Teh-Chun CHU / Carte de voeux

Teh-Chun CHU

Carte de voeux

Lithograph, 2003

Edition : 1993/2000

15.00 cm. x 21.00 cm. | 5.91 in. x 8.27 in. (paper)

Chu Teh-Chun transcends the traditional boundaries of painting by fusing the essence of traditional Chinese painting with the modern ideas of Western abstraction. His poetic abstraction is expressed through the impression of diluted matter, the incorporation of calligraphic elements, as if he were writing with Chinese ink, enhanced by touches of scarlet.

Certificate of authenticity
Very good condition
Handsigned by the artist in pencil

Ref : LCD5362

950.00 €

($1,035.00 - £798.01 - CHF 911,97)

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Available at the gallery Le Coin des Arts - Saint-Germain-des-Prés

6, rue de l’Échaudé - 75006 Paris
Tel. : + 33 1 44 41 12 52 - info@lecoindesarts.com
Monday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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Other works by Teh-Chun CHU

Untitled (F 19) (Ceramic) - Teh-Chun CHU

CHU Teh-Chun

Untitled (F 19), 2004

Ceramic LCD6675

5 000.00€

Paradise (Lithograph) - Teh-Chun CHU

CHU Teh-Chun

Paradise, 2006

Lithograph LCD6453

3 800.00€

Composition V (Lithograph) - Teh-Chun CHU

CHU Teh-Chun

Composition V

Lithograph LCD6452

3 800.00€

Composition XX (Lithograph) - Teh-Chun CHU

CHU Teh-Chun

Composition XX, 2005

Lithograph LCD6449

6 000.00€

Zenith (Lithograph) - Teh-Chun CHU

CHU Teh-Chun

Zenith, 2005

Lithograph LCD6447

6 000.00€


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