Home / All artists / Joan MIRO / Morning rain in the moonlight


Morning rain in the moonlight

Etching and aquatint, 1958

Edition : 232/300

Printer : Crommelynck (Paris)

Catalog : Maeght 1713

56.00 cm. x 65.00 cm. | 22.05 in. x 25.59 in. (paper)

39.00 cm. x 48.00 cm. | 15.35 in. x 18.9 in. (image)

After Miro
Yellowed paper
Restored folds in the side margins

The etching and aquatint after Joan Miró that we propose is characteristic of his works from the 1950s. There is an airy composition, a strong contrast of color between the black background and the white motifs, a few touches of color like points of light that give life to the work.

A character, with anatomy similar to rock art, suggests a perplexing emotion. A quadruped animal, also signified by a few strokes, escapes our understanding even more. The green moon, marries the angles of the composition in front of the lines, spirals and other abstract forms signifying the dew. The elements seem to be disassociated, as if to dissect this fleeting moment at the time of passage between two worlds, that of the night and that of the day.

The subject that Miró chooses expresses all his poetry, he who wanders between the surrealists. As we know, the sky and its stars fascinated him, to the point that he said: "The spectacle of the sky exhilarates me. I feel exalted when I see, in an immense sky, the crescent moon or the sun". He then creates a dreamlike landscape, illuminated by the moon and in the same way, by the human psyche.

Very good condition
Handsigned by the artist in pencil
Certificate of authenticity

Ref : LCD5045

6 000.00 €

($6,531.32 - £5,045.24 - CHF 5 752,58)

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53, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris
Tel. : + 33 9 52 29 01 82 - info@lecoindesarts.com
Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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Two galleries in Paris