Home / All artists / Wifredo LAM / Sans titre

Wifredo LAM

Sans titre

Lithograph, 1967

Edition : 200 ex.

Publisher : Salon de Mai (Paris)

Printer : Atelier Clot, Bramsen et Georges (Paris)

Catalog : [Tonneau-Ryckelynck 213, ancien 6702, p. 257]

74.50 cm. x 51.50 cm. | 29.33 in. x 20.28 in. (paper)

65.00 cm. x 45.50 cm. | 25.59 in. x 17.91 in. (image)

Poster for the Salon de Mai 1967
Printed before the letter
Dedicated “To Jacqueline Selz, with all my friendship!” and adorned with a pencil drawing.
Oblique folds along left and top margins.

Wifredo Lam is a key figure in surrealism and international modern art. His Afro-Caribbean heritage and fascination with African myths gave him a unique artistic and symbolic language, halfway between European avant-garde painting and Cuban traditions. From an early age, the painter immersed himself in Afro-Caribbean rituals and beliefs, particularly those linked to voodoo and santería, which are reflected in this work. This spiritual and cultural heritage was quickly enriched by his encounters with Picasso, Miró and the Surrealists during his stay in Europe. During his stay at Villa Air-Bel in 1940, Lam took part in a creative effervescence surrounded by artists such as Breton, Ernst and Char, experimenting with new ways of representing the invisible.

This lithograph illustrates Lam's interest in automatism and spontaneous drawing. The hybrid creatures, drawn from an abundance of folklore, are born of rapid, instinctive gesture, evoking ritual or totemic figures linked to voodoo ceremonies and African poetry. Nervous colors and lines accentuate the ceremonial, dreamlike character of the composition. It was produced for the Salon de Mai in Cuba in 1967, where his return to his roots was celebrated.

Certificate of authenticity
Very good condition
Handsigned by the artist in pencil

Ref : LCD6370

1 300.00 €

($1,417.89 - £1,095.97 - CHF 1 252,36)

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Other works by Wifredo LAM

Les Loas petro enfantent dans la danse (Lithograph) - Wifredo LAM

LAM Wifredo

Les Loas petro enfantent dans la danse, 1973

Lithograph LCD6235


Galerie Joan Prats 1976 (Poster) - Wifredo LAM

LAM Wifredo

Galerie Joan Prats 1976, 1976

Poster AF60



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