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Técnica mixta (contemporánea), 2020
70.00 cm. x 50.00 cm. | 27.56 in. x 19.69 in. (papel)
Watercolor and Posca marker
Greke is a young artist who has just joined our gallery. For art and through art, he created a world he shares with us. Chimeras born from his imagination populate some of his works like the current one. This creature has a mineral face, as if sculpted in the rock. There is nothing frightening about this chimera, which seems to look at our world with its large, round, astonished eyes, in addition to this unique eye, as a Cyclops. All around, a universe of delicacy, of colors, of lightness.
Greke's technique, watercolor and posca marker, allows these effects in the clouds and this precision of graphics. The shapes that punctuate the black background give movement and a non-repetitive regularity to the whole.
We like this dynamic, this strange and hypnotic consistency of Greke's works.
Firmada a mano por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad
Ref : LCD4289
450.00 €
($489.85 - £378.39 - CHF 431,44)
Disponible en la galería Le Coin des Arts - Le Marais
53, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris
Tel. : + 33 9 52 29 01 82 -
Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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