Inicio / Todos los artistas / Bertrand DORNY / Sans titre
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Sans titre (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY
Sans titre (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY
Sans titre (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY
Sans titre (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY

Bertrand DORNY

Sans titre

Encolado, 1989

32.00 cm. x 46.50 cm. | 12.6 in. x 18.31 in. (papel)

32.00 cm. x 46.00 cm. | 12.6 in. x 18.11 in. (imagen)

Mixed media and collage on cardboard
Dated February 6, 1989
Frame dimensions: 47 x 61.5 cm
certificate of authenticity
Bertrand Dorny (1931-2015) was a painter, sculptor and engraver. In 1967, he gave up painting to devote himself to engraving, which he renewed by approaching etching with inventiveness (as shown by the engravings on our website), adding light relief effects of great delicacy. Yves Peyré in the Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre gravé writes that Bertrand Dorny "abhors the flatness that erases roughness", we find this stylistic trait in his collages, made up of thin strips of folded paper - a technique he developed from 1981 onwards - arranged with a beautiful ease of composition.
In this unique artwork, Dorny arranges thin, mostly vertical strips, alternating rhythms and colors, succeeding in making the whole harmonious, like a small system in itself, whose parts interact in a dynamic way. Dorny has even added a vertical strip from a book, recalling his production of artists' books and his many friendships with poets and writers.
A work of great delicacy, where the gaze is twirling, and delicate effects of volume setting, Dorny as in engraving, is an inventor of forms. 

La obra está en excelente estado
Firmada a mano por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad

Ref : LCD4193

1 600.00 €

($1,741.68 - £1,345.40 - CHF 1 534,02)

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Disponible en la galería Le Coin des Arts - Le Marais

53, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris
Tel. : + 33 9 52 29 01 82 -
Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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Otras Obras de Bertrand DORNY

Warangal (Aguafuerte y aguatinta) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Warangal, 1970

Aguafuerte y aguatinta LCD5783


Rosul Negori (Aguafuerte y aguatinta) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Rosul Negori, 1970

Aguafuerte y aguatinta LCD5784


Obra única
Sans titre (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Sans titre

Encolado LCD5812

1 000.00€

Obra única
Xylomorphose n°113 (Técnica mixta (moderna)) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Xylomorphose n°113, 1983

Técnica mixta (moderna) LCD5726

1 500.00€

Obra única
Architecture (Encolado) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Architecture, 2000

Encolado LCD5725

1 800.00€

Maine-Alesia (Aguatinta) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Maine-Alesia, 1990

Aguatinta LCD4649


Néons II (Aguatinta) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Néons II, 1990

Aguatinta LCD4648


Petit voyage, lointain (Aguatinta y carborundo) - Bertrand DORNY

DORNY Bertrand

Petit voyage, lointain, 1981

Aguatinta y carborundo LCD4567


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3DSecure 2.2

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Certificado de autenticidad
Dos galerías en París