Inicio / Todos los artistas / Antoni CLAVE / La Femme-peintre au coq

Antoni CLAVE

La Femme-peintre au coq

Litografía, 1951

Edición : 104/200

Editor : La Guilde de la Gravure, Paris-Genève

Catálogo : Passeron 29

38.00 cm. x 57.00 cm. | 14.96 in. x 22.44 in. (papel)

30.00 cm. x 44.00 cm. | 11.81 in. x 17.32 in. (imagen)

Antoni Clavé (1913-2005) was a major painter-engraver. Born in Spain, he fled Franco's regime and moved to Paris in January 1936, where he spent most of his career. In 1939, he started working in lithography at Desjobert workshop, the printer where he worked the most.
In 1956, he received the prize for engraving at the 28th Venice Biennial, an international recognition of his print production.
As in painting, his favorite themes are characters, still lifes, women painters, the theme of the plate we propose. 
The woman-painter is majestic, a queen sitting on her studio stool, her face in front of a frame or a mirror, which acts like the halos in religious paintings. The colors, few in number, are summarized on the artist's palette. Metaphorically, the woman-artist colors the composition, she has the control.
A very beautiful lithograph, an ode to the woman-artist, in 1951, an ode to the woman and her creative power. The female character is an allegory of art and the power of painting, which recreates without a model, through memory and imagination. A theme dear to artists for several centuries, an energetic style that goes to the essence, this is what Antoni Clavé's art offers us.

Certificado de autenticidad
La obra está en muy buen estado
Firmada a mano por el artista

Ref : LCD4187

950.00 €

($994.14 - £787.09 - CHF 892,72)

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Otras Obras de Antoni CLAVE

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Sans titre, 1989

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1 100.00€

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Sans titre

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Feuille de nuit (Litografía) - Antoni CLAVE

CLAVE Antoni

Feuille de nuit, 1963

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